Sunday, November 15, 2015

December Locum request 2015

Dear Doctors, Please put in your Dec request. Tks


Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli,
DR OOI TH (KKAI) would like to request for 5th & 6th of Dec,9am-2pm slot. Not available after 21/12.thanks.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Elizabeth

Dr James Loh (KK Bandar Baru Air Itam ) requesting 6th December (9am-2pm) & 13th December (9am-2pm). Will be away for Christmas starting 24th Dec.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Serene fr med hpp, would like to request for 2 weekday locum slots. NOT AVAILABLE fr 1/12-13/12 and 24/12-25/12. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Elizabeth

Dr Nurjan (KK Jalan Perak ) requesting 19th December (9am-2pm) & 26th December (9am-2pm)

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Elizabeth,

Please put me on Sat Dec 12th 9am to 6pm. Tq

Judith Yun

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli,
Dr vanijah Sri from opd requesting for any 2 slots
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli,
Khaw LS (ophthal) would like to request for two 5-hour weekday slots on the 2nd Dec and 8th Dec

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli,

Please give me 19th and 24th Dec.Tks Dr, Sasi

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Elizabeth

leehp from kkjm

request morning slot 9am to 2pm at
05/12/15 and 19/12/15
NO CALL on 6,12,13,20,27
thank you very much

Sivanandhan’s Blog said...

siva from hpp urology...requesting two or more slots for next month..tq

Anonymous said...

Dr Eli,
Dr wong tze ling from kkbj. Req for 2 locum slots pls. Not available on 12/12, 24-27/12. TQ

Hema Malini said...

Dear dr eli
Im dr hema malini frm psychiatry
Would like to request slots on 8& 23th.thank u.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli..
Radiology PGH..
Requesting for any 2 more slots early of the month please..
Thank you...

Unknown said...

boss give me 2 slots on 24th n 25th..thanks..

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Elizabeth,
Yong (Radiology) would like to request for 2 weekdays slot on December.
Not available on 23-31 December.
Thank you.

Hema Malini said...

Dear dr eli
Im dr hema malini frm psychiatry
Would like to request slots on 8& 23th.thank u.

Anonymous said...

Dr Chan HT (Eye) requests for a 5- hour weekday slot on 16th Dec

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Elizabeth,
Chen HK (ENT) would like to request for 2 weekdays slot on December.
Not available on 23-31 December.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Eli,

Pease give 11 and 14th Dec.
Dr. Mahesh B Kualiti


Anonymous said...

Dr rehana from kk BBAI request for 5th and 19th December 9-2pm

Anonymous said...

Dr.Kala (PKTL)

Dear Dr.Eli,

Requesting locum on 5th sat and 13th sun 9am-2pm slot.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Dr Eli..
PGH Radiology..
Requesting for any 2 or more available slots early of the month please..
Thank you...

Anonymous said...

Dr Eli,

I am Ooi PS from OPD.
Requesting for 2 or more 5-hours locum slots on weekdays.
If possible, please put me on 2/12/15 and 9/12/15.

Thank you.

Dr Elizabeth Anthony said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Eli, The TS from kk sg dua would like to request any 2 weekend slots except 5th & 6th. tq.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr eli
Cynthia frm oncology
Humbly requesting for 16th and 23rd slots
Thank u

Anonymous said...

Dr Eli,

Requesting 13th and 20th preferably morning slots. Wont be around from 23 -28th.
Thank you

Dr Sharmalah (KKIA Tg.Tokong)

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli
I am kavin raj from surgical GhPP requesting for 2 or more slots. Thank u.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr eli
Dr inbajoothi from opd requesting for any 3 slots (except from 18th to 28th)
Thank you

Anonymous said...


Dear Dr.Eli,

Requesting locum slots. Any slots will do.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Dr Eli

Requesting 13th and 19th preferably 3pm to 8pm slots. Thank you

Dr Uma Sunthari (Ghpp)

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli
I am Laavanya from psychiatry ,GHPP requesting for 2 or more slots .(not available from 4th to 8th dec)

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli....vinod from medical....would like to requests for 2 four hrs slots,pls....will not be in pg from the 02/12/15-07/12/15 &28/12/15-03/01/16....thanks dr eli...

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli,

Senthil from ENT requesting for 2 slots.
Won't be free 21st onwards

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli....Khaitheri from medical department...would like to request two 5hrs slots for the month of december..thanks dr eli...

Anonymous said...

Dr mahes opd
request locum slots

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Elizabeth,

Dr Norazleena (JKN) requests locum on 13th Dec (9am-2pm) and 20th Dec (9am-2pm). Will not be available on 5-6th and 25-27th.

Thank you. 

Anonymous said...

Hye Dr Eli,
Dr Suntharram ( O&G )
requesting for 2 or more slots .
Preferred on 2nd,10th and 17th
N/A 12-14,24-27th,31st

Anonymous said...

Hi dr Eli, Gaaitheri from psy. Any weekend locum on Sundays preferably. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hye Dr Eli,
Dr Sharmila ( Pathology )
requesting for 2 or more slots .
Preferred on 10th,16th,23rd
N/A 12-14,24-27th,31st

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli,

Punthaky from OPD requesting for 3 slots.
Will not be free 30th and 31st

Thank you

syed nasir said...

Request any slot.
Not available from 19th onwards. Tq
Syed N from gen surg

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli
Nantha (O&G)- requesting for any two or
More available slots. Tq

alvisto said...

Dear Dr Eli,

Alvis from anaesth requesting 2 weekdays 5 hours slot.
Not 18-21 dec & 31 dec (exams~)


Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli
Syukur ctc, requesting 2 or more slots preferably
5 &6 9-2 pm
Not available from 18th onwards
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr eli,
Im Dr malini from KK jalan perak would like to request locum slots on 5th dec (saturday) 9am-2pm and 19th Dec (saturday) 3pm -8pm..
Not available from 21st onwards
Thank you soo much..

Anonymous said...

Dear dr eli, dr deivanai from kkiajp. Any two slots or more. WONT BE AVAILABLE from 23 DEC onwards. Thank you!

Deivanai kkiajp

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli,

Tan WN ctc, requesting 2 or more slots , 6th(9-2pm), 13th(3-8pm)
no available from 23th onwards
Thank you.

Lavannia said...

Dear Dr. Eli,
Lavannia here from oncology
Pls give me two or more slots, except on 24-27 (outstation)

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli
I'm Christopher from ENT department requesting for Locum slots for the month of December except (3-8th and 24-31 won't be in Penang)
Thank you dr Eli

Unknown said...

Dr Eli,
Please give me any 2 or more available slots.
Not available on 18-25th December
Thank You!
Sim Eih Xing EDHPP

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli,
Requesting for 2 weekday 5 hours locum slots.

Dr Tan jb

Unknown said...

Hi.. would like to request weekend sat/sun locum up to 20th december. Thanks

Dr law ps ctc pgh

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli,

Requesting for 2 or more locum slot ( preferably 5 hour slot )

Dr Lim KS ( ED HPP )

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli,
I'm yuvaraja from plastics hpp, requesting for 2 or more available slots ( preferably weekday slots). Thanks

Anonymous said...

Kaathan from radiology hpp, requesting for 2 or more available slots. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli
Wildan here from EDHPP. requesting 2 or more slots. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Elizabeth,
Shabnam from CTC HPP.Requesting for 2 or more slots.Not available from 24th till the 26th. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Dear Dr Eli
Requesting 2 or more locum slots.


Anonymous said...

Dear dr Eli,
Requesting for two or more slots in December,not available after 23rd.
Thank you:-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli
Loh ZH from CTC. Requesting for any weekend slot. Not available on 5,6,24 to 27
Thank You

Unknown said...

Dear Dr. Elizabeth,
TuneshKumar here from ctc. Would like to do locum. Please kindly provide more than 2 slots. I won't be available on 24-26 n 12 of December. Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

On weekdays please give me after 6pm. Thank you

Unknown said...

On weekdays please give me after 6pm. Thank you

Unknown said...

Dear Dr. Elizabeth,
TuneshKumar here from ctc. Would like to do locum. Please kindly provide more than 2 slots. I won't be available on 24-26 n 12 of December. Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Elizabeth

Limbp from EDHPP. Requesting 2 or more locum slots, not available on 24/12 and 25/12.
Thanks you

Unknown said...

Hi.. would like to request weekend sat/sun locum up to 20th december. Thanks

Dr law ps ctc pgh

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr Eli

Nelson from Medical Dept.
Requesting for 2 or more weekday 5-hour locum slots.
Not available on 28-30 Dec.
Thank you.

Unknown said...

Good day dr Eli,
Cheong SS from ed hpp
I would like to request opd locum 2 or more slots after 14th dec.

Anonymous said...

Dr Eli.
Karthik from Gen Surg HPP. Request for locum slot
Not available from 10 to 13th December. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Eli

I'm goh lh from edhpp
Requesting 2 or slots
Not available from 22nd onwards


Anonymous said...

Dear DR. ELi,

DR.Shamini PGH OPD requesting for 2 slots only weekdays preferably. Not available from 24th till 31st. TQ

Locum Assignment