Saturday, July 26, 2014

August assignment Locum 2014

Dear Doctors,

Please make sure those names  on the 5.15pm slot must be punctual to start the clinic. From September onwards the wards doctors will also be given weekend slots. Please dont always request for weekdays. It is difficult to entertain everyone except for ED doctors as they are doing shift.
Your cooperation is much appreciated. Thanks

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

August Locum request

Dear Doctors,
Please put in your request for August. Kindly dont write rubbish comments on the locum blog We are all profesionals . Just a reminder ,you are requested to put in your locum only at 1pm . All will be given  atleast  one slot.
Your cooperation is much appreciated.
Dear Doctors,

Please take note some of the doctors have been given 3 slots for July Make sure all doctors turn up for locum. From July onwards those who dont turn up for their  locum will not be given any locum for 2months.
You are only allowed to post your request only onces.The blog will be close after the 80th request.


Locum Assignment